Sunday, July 19, 2009

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

BAD GUY: The T-1000
REASONS: After freezing him in liquid nitrogen, breaking him aparting into little pieces, and exploding a good portion of him with a grenade, they finally dumped him into a vat of molten metal. He couldn't maintain his form. He was hard to kill but he couldn't kill the human need to survive.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

BAD GUY: The Terminatrix
REASONS: Built to stop all manners of humans or machines, the Terminatrix couldn't be out ol'fashioned ingeinuity. T-800 grabs his nuclear power cell and shoves it in her mouth; waiting to sacrifice himself to save John Conner. And of course, he couldn't finish her off without saying, "You are terminated."


BAD GUY: The First Predator
RATING: It wouldn't have been appropiate to rate Predator 2 and not rate the first one. Why did it get such a low score? Arnold's character Dutch didn't get his justice for his men. He defeated the Predator true but in the end, the alien had the last laugh. He even laughed the whole time before his bomb took him out.

Predator 2

BAD GUY: The Second Predator
REASONS: Sometimes the poor Predators don't learn from their mistakes. Even the indignity of getting defeated by a human in hand to hand combat. The same human also chopped off his arm previously. What can we say? Shit happens.

Aliens VS Predator

BAD GUY: Frozen Queen Mother
REASONS: The Queen Mother goes on her rampage to defeat the Predator Scar and Alexa. She manages to mortally wound Scar and then Alexa finally tips over the frozen water tower to plummet her into the blackness of the frozen ocean. And just in case anybody asks, NO, I have no plans to do a review of that shitty ass Requiem sequel.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

BAD GUY: General Chang
REASONS: CRY HAVOC AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!!!! General Chang was the best over-acting Klingon we'd seen in a while. He spouts his Shakespear shit, McCoy says, "I'd give real money if he'd shut up." Spock figures out a way to fire a torpedo at his super-cloaked vessel and they finally shut up him with a ball of photon flame.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Matrix (1)

BAD GUY: Cypher
REASONS: Seriously, can anybody play a better rat bastard than Joey Pants? Cypher believes he's got the guys beat as he betrays them with the full extent of killing Neo. He taughts Trinity, about if Neo is the one; he can't be killed. Then here comes Tank, who Cypher thought he had killed. Tank returns the favor by deep frying him with a plasma discharge. He cold, smoked his ass!!!

The Matrix (2)

BAD GUY: Agent Smith
REASONS: This was the first death of Neo who came back. He proved he was the "One" by leaping into the code of Agent Smith and causing him to explode. If you look closely you can see his face still screaming as his coded parts are flying past the other agents.

The Matrix: Reloaded

BAD GUYS: The Ghost Twins
REASONS: These guys seemed pretty unstoppable. Expert martial artists and turning into ghosts at will. They thought they had Morpheus dead to rights but then he sideswipes them by cuting the tire on their SUV: causing a jackknife. It leaves the engine open to a barrage of bullets. The ghosts try to escape but become consumed in the firey explosion.

The Matrix: Revolutions

BAD GUY: Smith
REASONS; Neo hooks up with the machines to purge Smith from the Matrix. Neo can't do it; but then with a last minute hint from the Oracle, he knows how. He lets Smith infect him but now thanks to that, the Machine Overmind can purge Smith out. This was the second death for Smith and the second death of Neo but for Neo, it was permanent.

Pitch Black

BAD GUY: William J. Johns
REASONS: Johns made the mistake of assuming Riddick would have a problem with killing an innocent girl. The two men fight and then Riddick cuts him his enemy badly across the back. As John tries to reload, Riddicks taughts him with "Told you to ghost me." Johns is left alone in the dark. The creature swoops in and makes him fire off a round. He tries to fire around round but mistakenly loaded his space shotgun shells full of morphine into the gun. The creature then impales him, and bites off his head like apple. The reason I say that is if you listen to it, someone use the sound effects of bitting into an apple. It's not cheesy, it's tasty.

The Chronicles of Riddick

BAD GUY: The Lord Marshal
REASONS: Riddick battles the Lord Marshal when he learns he's wiped out his whole race. After Riddick is wounded and the Marshal is wounded, the evil bastard's right hand man Vako is about to kill him. The Marshal phases away but he phases right into Riddick's field of view. He doesn't have time to phase again. Riddick then slams his blade into the top of the Marshal's head, breaks it off, then kicks him like unwanted trash. I hope he enjoyed the Underverse, because Riddick gave him a one way ticket back.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

BAD GUY: Khaaaaaaannnnn!!!!!
REASONS: The tasty death gets a 10 because these two men have been trying to kill each other during the whole movie. Kirk suckers him to a Nebula and then blasts his ship at point blank range. Khan's last move is to ignite the Genesis Torpedo to kill him; all the time quoting Moby Dick. This gets a ten because Khan hates Kirk so much, he's wiling to kill himself to kill him.

Star Trek III: The Searh For Spock

BAD GUY: Commander Kruge
REASONS: After ordering the death of his son, Kirk tricks Kruge into leading all his men to a needless death aboard the self-destructing Enterprise. Then when he finds out he's on the planet below, he comes down to beat the secrets of the Genesis torpedo from him. Kirk then finally kicks him off a cliff into the molten core of the planet.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

BAD GUY: The Devil?


REASONS: The Starship Enterprise makes it past the great barrier but at the last minute, realizes they are not visiting God; they have met the devil. Probably God erected the Great Barrier just to keep the Devil in. Kirk like always gets his friends out but is trapped on the planet with the Devil. Then Spock swoops in and destroys him with a Klingon disrupter. I know a lot of you are thinking this rates a 3 or 4 but look at the context; SPOCK KILLED THE DEVIL!!!! It's at least a 7 on that fact alone.

Star Trek: First Contact

BAD GUY: The Borg Queen
REASONS: The Queen thought she had secured Data's loyalty but in the last second, Data proves he's still loyal to Captain Picard. He smashes the warp core coolant; sending the acidic gas all over the place. Picard flees, the Queen tries to flee but Data pulls her down in the gas, only to have her fleshy parts eaten by the acid cloud. After Picard sucks the gas out of the engine room, he finds her metal parts still quivering. With one pull of her spinal column, the Queen is dead. Long live friendship and loyalty.

Star Trek: Insurrection

BAD GUY: Ad'har Ru'afo
REASONS: Getting tired of the tired plots that echoed poor Star Trek, we see a group of bad men trying to do bad things to good people and throw in a little government conspiracy then we have Star Trek Insurrection. The bad guy, Ru'afo wants to steal life giving crystals from a planets atmosphere. Picard is getting hot and heavy with a babe down below so he can't have that. He jumps on the the Collector device and sabotages it. Ru'afo tries to stop him but as the Collector is going up in flames, Picard is beamed off while Ru'afo becomes extra crispy.